Unempathetic. Uncaring. Unatheletic. Ununderstanding.

Jorry Not Zorry
"You deserve the bullying you got. Infact, you deserve more bullying because you haven't learned your lesson." - Me to unattended suicidal minors.
Here is a list of people I hate (Pt. 2): vrchat users/players, vrchat youtubers/streamers, meme page admins, meme pages that post hentai/porn/lewd pictures as either content or advertisements, companies that use hentai or porn for marketing, writers/directors/producers who overuse the meta trope, writers/directors/producers who overuse the multiverse trope, people who underutilize or fail to be creative when using the multiverse trope, rick and morty fans, writers/directors/producers that blatantly pander, studios that make cashgrabs/reboots/spinoffs no one asked for, netflix employees, writers/directors/producers who insert their fetishes, writers/directors/producers that think they are in touch with the younger generation or are hip by referencing pop culture or memes, snow bunnies, gold diggers, pastelboys, pastelgirls, cottagecore fans, -core fans, overwatch players, "girl gamers", political advocators for equality, under 25 classical music fans, people who use negative/positive rating scales, people who use esoteric/obtuse rating scales or systems, people who explain how a 1-10 or 1-5 rating system work, playboi carti fans, people who put their majors/degrees in non-social media websites/apps, people who worship "science" as a religion, people who think science and religion are mutually exclusive, people who link their socials everywhere, people who used selfies for non-social media websites/apps, people who make sure to include whatever new slang or term trending in their speech, people who buy/watch porn games/porn videos and leave comments such as "im such a degenerate lol", people who use chad/soyjack/etc. memes as rebuttals, people who have a gigachad pfp or a some variation on it, people who think "ara ara" is funny or sexy and/or girls that say it ironically or unironically, fat women who think they are "thicc", people who say "thicc", thigh fetishists, "muh mommy milkers" people, ironic simps, hypocrites, people who try too hard to be "cute", parents who force their kids to be lgbtq+, people who use meme arrows ">" outside of chan boards, people who say pog/kekw/etc., people who mock others for crying, people who defend others purely because they are crying, people who think constantly crying is sympathetic or normal or acceptable behaviour, truck drivers that don't follow traffic etiquette and law, fat guys who act soft or cute, women who advocate for the feminization of men, feminine men, film students, art students, girlbosses, people who girlboss things, girlboss-core fans, man eaters, NSFW modders, people who create waifu in videgames, people who download NSFW/Skimpy mods, people who mod anime/anime girls into games, people who put their age in their bios, adults who hang around children online even if platonically, calarts animators, people who care about how their rating curve looks, people who use neo-pronouns, people who ship characters, lewd/porn/hentai pfps, people with hentai/anime steam profiles/backgrounds, people with anime/lewd desktop wallpaper, people with a lot of piercings, anti-natalists, bloggers, people who keep diaries, people who keep internet diaries, ssethtzeentach clones, storytime youtubers, meme editor/creator youtubers, free speech absolutists, pro-"safe spaces" peoples, college students, people who only read/watch/play/listen to niche or obscure or old stuff, game developers who make their protagonists teen girls for no reason other than waifubait/waifuism, women who lie about rape, people who consider themselves gamers but only play one or two games, people who consider themselves cinephiles or movie fans who only watch marvel films, american/americanized comicbook writers, people who consider themselves gamers but only play mobile games, people who are under 20 and are into politics, people with anime scrolls on their walls, girls with the pink-neko ears headset-rgb-fotm anime pfp-discord girl setup, the discord generation, diversity hires, zoomers with rgb setups and purple neon LEDs, people who instead of improving their circumstances either want to bring everyone down to their level or normalize their own lifestyle and circumstances, andrew tate fans, white kanye fans, eminem fans, people obsessed with aesthetics, israelis, people who post ratings for things not released yet, achievement hunters, shmup fans, touhou fans, type-moon fans, directors/writers who write self-inserts for themselves "owning" everyone, pretentious writers/directors, the "I'm so down-to-earth" celebrities, girls who act like lolis online, erotic e-rpers, people who jerk off online with others, oversharers, people who overshare for a desperate attempt of gaining attention, people with steam profiles that have their set up and specs, furry pfp, people who add stuff like "don't send a friend request without explaining why" and other friend request requirements, people who join servers/clubs/communities/groups and never talk, people who are super shy and have to tell you about it, overly-shy people, fat guys whose only shtick is taking off their shirts, people who overrate things because they are about homosexuality/gender dysphoria/sexuality/trauma/depression/mental illness or have characters that are, female HR employees, "wellness" councilors, white girl buddhists, pick me girls, people who are disrespectful to elders, nintendo bootlickers, monster hunter tryhards and elitists, longsword players, monster hunter female character players that are male, people whose attire is anime/game merch and alt./net fashion, girls who only/always wear yoga pants, girls who wear skintight or revealing clothes, people who post selfies with the peace sign or with a peace sign and wink, girls who constantly post selfies online, girls who do clothe hauls, people who say "vibe check", people who say "its a vibe", "cinephiles" whose favourite films are all anime films, peeping toms, incest apologists, people who say cope or seethe or based or kino or ratio or touch grass or L and so on, people with pfps of themselves wearing a face mask, people who wear ahegao hoodies, girls that post pictures/videos of themselves doing the ahegao face, people who review bomb competition or things they don't like, people who bot, chainsaw man fans, people who type like this?, constantly passive-aggressive women, people who think apathy is cool, "camp" people, people who link their discords, jordan peterson fans, jordan peterson haters, arcane fans, people who call anime characters "cute", guys who don't cut their finger nails, food delivery drivers that leave the food somewhere other than the designated place, "cute and funny" pedos, rpgmaker gamers, arknight fans, woke therapists, pills dispensary therapists, anti-religion therapists, western female therapists, people who bully tweens and children for being "cringe", people who are against bullying teenagers and adults for being "cringe", girls who make "ick" tiktoks, mrbeast fans, "philanthropist" youtubers, people who do porn/nudes for "charity", clickbaiters, game devs that make pre-order bonuses, non-blacks and non-south americans who use "y'all", people who don't think I'm hilarious or intelligent or cool, sex toys manufacturers, social media ceos, "family" youtubers who exploit their children and family for content, posers, indian immigrants who act inorganically white/black, second generation immigrants, twitter/tumblr "wholesome" artists, quirky/artsy indie game about depression/trauma/mental illness developers and fans, thin people who try to milk sympathy/attention because they have "body issues" and "insecurities" because they are too thin, people who make insecurities their personality, drake overhaters, drake dickriders, white girls who are "fans" of music, concert goers, musical festival goers, people with anger issues, people who use violence as a first response, anti-america americans, controlled oppositions, teenage/young adult girls who think they are interesting, overly-cutesy "feminine" girls, people who dox once losing an argument, carl jung circlejerkers, nietzche circlejerkers, people who like diogenes as philosopher because he is "le funni hobo", guys who don't shave their armpits/pubes, people who shave their eyebrows, girls with half shaven heads, girls with short bangs, chiropractors that use hot girls as clickbait for their videos, people who never use deodorant, people who over apply deodorants/colognes/perfumes, people who use spray deodorants instead of showers, foreskin political advocates, the united nations and all its employees, war criminals, suicide bombers, pretentious/elitist chefs, people who are rude to the help, chinese tourists, american tourists, bronies, snowflakes, people who make discord servers with an e-girl picture, latina girls who act white but think they are any different from white girls, people who are against "slut-shaming", people who are in or advocate for open relationships, people who think "virgin" is an insult, people who "virgin-shame", unwarranted xenophobes, environmentalists that go after the average joe instead of corporations/countries, environmentalists that take it too far,
animal abusers, game devs/publishers that make unnecessary "deluxe" versions of their games, "edgy" comedians who are hollywood sanctioned, anti-violence absolutists, people against the "death penalty" (unless against government's ability to execute whoever), asian fetishists, unfunny female comedians, artists/NSFW artists who immediately make fanart of things as soon as they release/trend, people who keep sexualizing horror monsters, videogame pirates who can comfortably afford games and have no basis for piracy other than habit/greed/e-autism, people who incite arguments and act like the other side is angry/losing if they replied or reacted, people who leave their clothes lying around, apple drones, coffee snobs, people who only listen to anime and videogame OST, scat fetishists, people who share porn even when not asked, orientalists, russain-americans that act as americans and/or sell out russia, game devs that make ps1 fan remakes, pedos/lolicons that act like jerking off to loli porn is normal and/or its their right and/its morally righteous/acceptable, breadtubers, anime internet artists, people who think anime is the peak of art, people who think anything that deals with trauma or philosophy is a deep masterpiece, nier fans, people who think videogame stories are the peak of literature/writing/storytelling, people who make rule34 artwork, people who make porn out of real people, people who make porn out of children/lolis/shotas, people with mean-spirited humour, people who think constant bullying/ridicule/antagonizing is humour or joking or kidding, drama youtubers, girls who make a "day in work" tiktoks, ricecels, people who use "redpill" or "-pilled" ironically or sincerely, tyler the creator fans, white kids who listen to MF DOOM, hipsters, kendrick lamar dickriders, j cole dickriders, white people who wear overalls, ladyboys, people who fake an accent and try to pass it off as genuine, people who make fun of others' accents, hentai voice actors, drunks, rude taxi drivers, talkative taxi/uber drivers, tourist scammers, pickpockets, people who leave comments on porn, pornstars who try to act "relatable", celebirties who try to act "relatable", "the therapist is the smartest person ever" people, cliche writers, anime-realistic-porcelain-figure-soft-shading-heavy-lighting-effects-lewd-pin-up digital artists, heavy sameface artists, overrated artists because they draw anime/rule34/fanart/memes, people who overrate artists because they draw anime/rule34/fanart/memes, creators that make their characters females for the sake of diversity or female empowerment, "woke" doctors, transition/mastectomy/re-assignment/etc. surgeons and doctors, wristwatch obessors, dominatrixes, phone sex operators, anti-moralists, groomers, sakimichan/aromasensei/shadman/etc. fans, guys who pain their nails, people who fetishize mental illnesses, people who buy merch plushies, people who think peak comedy is photoshopping an anime girl into real life situations, kpop idols, jpop idols, boybands, metal bands with overly edgy names, people who don't mind overpaying for food, game developers bootlickers, people who think all/any criticism is wrong, people who use trolling/joking/insults as a cop out from losing an argument, people who think they are smart by getting into arguments or by always taking the bait, baitsetters, people who take things too personally, whiteknights, beta orbiters, people who say "YIKES", anime figurine collectors, funkpops collectors, steam reviewers, steam users with anime/hentai/waifu/furry/pepe/wojack pfps, people who are against kinkshaming, people who call anime girls "cute", people who say "sex work", people who wish to maintain the status quo because it only benefits them, people who respond to criticism with insults/anger/aggression/etc., people who twist male camaraderie into homoeroticism, hypocrites, people who think "rude = strong", whataboutists, people who act willfully ignorant, selective empaths, constant tradition/morality/principles abolitionists/deconstructors/reductionists, people who shame men for taking care of skin/hair, people who bully/mock the handicapped (physically or mentally), overly-sensitive people, PETA activists, fma:b fanboys, people who play the same game for 500+ hours, people who make/use internet bots for fake numbers, fake nattys, people who buy porn/hentai games on steam, girls with the wings eyeliner shiny point nose combo, people who make attention-whoring tiktoks about their relatives/significant others/friends dying, people who try to farm steam awards by making reposts and low effort posts, vore fetishists, girls whose entire thing is being "oh so horny", writers/directors that put lgbtq+ propaganda in children shows/cartoons, satanists, people who argue out of ego, people who cannot admit they are wrong, people who babify older teens to young adults, people who don't wash their hands after using the toilet, people who wipe not wash, girls who film/take pictures of themselves too much, youtubers who make coombait clips and clickbaits, logan/jake paul, logan/jake paul fans, fursona youtubers, people who use "uwu speak", people who censor words like th*s, death grip fans, steam users with anime girl/catgirl pfps and backgrounds, people who overdo memes, people whose entire humour is repeating FOTM memes, steam users who bootlick developers on forumns, people who use "cope" or similar terms online, people who argue too much online, people who type in a "quirky" manner, people who have forumn signatures, people above 16 who still play browser pet games, non-japanese people in japan, who link their socials everywhere, people who write joke reviews on steam, people who write meme reviews on steam, steam user with furry pfps, game devs who release DLC before finishing their games, people who treat their steam profile as myspace, people with overly-designed steam profiles, steam user who leave reviews such as "my grandpa/son/etc. passed away" or "I play this with my dad/kids" for attention, people who use reviews as diaries or trauma dumps, russian cs:go/dota players, korean gamers, overly-anti-AI artists, people who make racewashed art for non-creative purposes, people with danny phantom characters pfps, disney obsessed girls, adults who take childern animations too seriously, sonic fans, software engineers or students of, reddit intellectuals, reddit philosophers, phil/psy/polici undergrads, food elitists, people who will not shut up about going to therapy, people who shutdown all forms of criticism as "hate", bad faith debators and critics, debators that resort to cheap tactics, debate "fans"